Aged Love

11:51 PM

I soo love old couples! Every time I see them I can’t help but secretly stare and smile. Seeing them so in love at their age is just amazing.

When I was working in Eastwood, I always see this Chinese aged couple walking around as their exercise.  They both walk in small steps, side by side, holding hands. Sometimes I see them sitting on the bench while taking a rest from their daily routine. Although I rarely see them talk to each other, I can feel the aura of their love around. One time I saw the grandpa sitting alone with his usual poker face. I wondered where his wife was and feared that she might have left for heaven. I was relieved to see them again together after several days. Whew! Too bad I wasn’t able to steal a snapshot of them. Sayang!

This video has been giving me a laugh lately. They are sooo CUTE! They look as if they have nothing else to do in life but to enjoy the company of each other and of course to figure out how to take a photo in a computer. Hahaha!

Check out the following:
Lolo checking out their wrinkles.
Lolo singing. His glasses gives an impression that he has HUGE eyes.
Lola: “Whatever!”
Lolo being naughty: “Just drop your dress a little bit to see your boobs.”
Lolo: “Maybe you just recorded us.”
Lolo: “Whatever you do is fine. Take time.”

I want to be just like them when I grow old. Happy and in love while flaunting our wrinkles! So dear future husband, whoever you are, live healthy so we can both survive a long life. :)

Love lots, Biancs

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  1. aaaw. cute. favorite part ko ung Just drop your dress a little bit to see your boobs.hahha. feeling ko nilaro pa nya ung boobs.

  2. Oo nga nakita ko rin! Nakakatawa. Ang cute nila! :)
