For Keeps

10:50 AM

Having a busy parenting life like ours means no time for dates, dinner-outs or any form of socializing. We stay at home most of the time or if our energy permits us, we take the kids out. But having a toddler and a newborn is just pure chaos when you're in public places. Our only regular activity is to go to Church on Sundays and have lunch-outs with family from time to time. 

As much as we want to meet with friends, it's best if they come visit us at home. Last Saturday, my friend Hanna and her boyfriend Tim dropped by to see us and the kids, of course. 

It's nice to have friends whom you could share your stories with, exchange advises based on our experiences, have a good laugh with and talk about future plans. It's like a breather from being with the same people you're with 24/7. I'm not saying that I'm fed up with the sight of my husband nor my children because they mean the world to me, but sometimes the presence of others adds excitement to our regular life. I think that the saying 'no man is an island' is also applicable to families. 

At this point in our lives, it's a great idea to invest on having good relationships with friends whom you know would stick with you until you're old. Somebody you can call when the doctor says you're sick, when your child has gone astray or when you just simply want to have afternoon teas with. This is exactly the time when quality outweighs quantity. I don't have a lot of friends but the few people I have now are the ones I know I could keep. 

Tim and Hanna have plans of their own and we couldn't hide our excitement as we imagined our family dates together. This is the second time they visited us and we enjoyed hours of catching up over food (I made them Tuna Pasta) and drinks. Although, we didn't have a peaceful talk until we were able to put the kids to bed. Haha.

Thank you dear God for reminding us that these are people we could trust and hold hands with when you throw rocks at us. 

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