5:22 AM
Little did I know that I it has been six months since I came
back from Australia. Lots of things happened, and all sorts of emotions filled
my life for the past months. Right now, I am at my happy state. I am together with
my family, friends and boyfriend – what else can you ask for. The things that I
have been longing for from the previous year are all at its present tense. I
think I prayed too hard that God granted what I desired for.
The first few months were crucial. I was confused about
things, torn between what I want and need to do. It was a time of reflection,
self-realization and most of all a time of holding onto God on times of wanting
to move forward.
It wasn’t easy, especially if you meet people who showed
their concern through stares of disappointment every time you tell them what
happened in my yearlong journey. It’s as if they wanted to tell you ‘Why on
Earth are you back, while other people are struggling to leave?’ or ‘You wasted
a big opportunity.’ Honestly, there was a time when I didn’t want to meet
friends, relatives or anyone other than my family because I am expecting too
much questioning that would stress me. I understand their part, and I would
have done the same thing if I were in their position, but it’s a lot difficult
if you were the one being questioned and stared at with regret.
Prayers after prayers, I finally came up with a decision
that I am still holding on to until now. For me, a decision made is a decision
thought through with God. There’s no such thing as mistake because He will
always lead us to something better. Life
is about seeing challenges, taking opportunities and learning from every
experience. I don’t regret anything until today and I don’t think I will
ever be regretful of the decisions I make. My life is about moving forward and
no turning back. If others see what happened to me as a wasted chance, for me
it’s a basket full of blessings that are only given to few. :)
I now work as a Medical Representative, a very challenging
job that I again perceive as an opportunity. I am still praying for THE career
to come. Whether it is my current job or not, I still have to see. :)
Snapshots of my life today:
A message to those who feel lost and indecisive:
Don’t hold back. Be faithful to God and to self. Always look at positivity and never regret.
Love, B.