What Keeps Me Going?

7:09 AM

Always forward, never backward. Keep walking. :)

Going overseas to try and find my future is not a piece of cake for me. I would say that I have THE life back home, except maybe for the fact that I can’t find a decent job that will take me to places. I have the best family, true friends, great boyfriend, supportive relatives and a happy life. But there would always be that stage when you have to think beyond your comfort zone.

So 10 months have passed and I am living a life that used to be just in my imagination. 10 months away from home and 2 months left before my visa expires.

So what kept me going?

The REASON why I am where I am today.

I wanted this. I would never be here if I never wanted this in the first place. I want to have a good life, not just for me but also for my family. I want to fill up the spaces my father has left undone. To make it short, I want to be successful.

My family.

My family is yet the greatest gift I have. We’re not perfect. We fight, we shout, we hate each other at some point, but in the end we give love. I thought my family would be the last group that I would miss, but I was wrong. Every day I long for them that even a Facetime/Skype/Google+/YM conversation can make my day.
The people who cared.

This journey made me realize one thing: that I am cared and loved by many. From the day I made this decision, until the day I left, and up to this point, I have received countless encouragement and support from people in and out of my circle. It’s amazing how even the least person/people you know can give you support when you need it. Thank you.

Knowing that people believe in me.

Kaya mo yan, ikaw pa!”, “Bilib ako sayo.”, “You’re so brave.” and all that stuff makes me think that I am at the right track. It also gives me the kick to do more not for them but for myself. It’s always good to hear that people believe in me and that they appreciate what I do.

My future plans.

I once read that by law of attraction, you must think of what you want and claim it as yours. Believe it or not, I was doing this since day 1. Thank God for the gift of imagination. At this point, I see myself in NAIA hugging my loved ones with my luggage on the side. Now, I see myself posing in from of Eiffel Tower. Hahaha. Dream high. Dream big.

My friends.
I thank God for giving me friends here. If not for them I could have died of boredom or I might even end up crazy. When I’m bored, stressed or whatever, it’s good to always have someone to talk to. To see and appreciate the beauty of Australia (at least Adelaide), and to have someone to cram or complain about school/work.

Believing and trusting myself.

My greatest weapon and enemy in this fight is none other than myself. If I see myself as weak then I better go home now. “Your attitude determines your action. Your action determines your accomplishment.” – John Maxwell

I’ve learned so much in a span of 10 months. My Uni’s almost done and I don’t know what’s out there for me next. My only prayer is that God takes me to where my happiness is. August 31 ’12 is my judgment day. It’s either of the two: be employed or go back home. Whatever it is, I’m more than happy to take it as a new challenge.

Let Your will be done.

Always thankful,

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