Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging

11:20 PM

This is one of the funniest books I have ever read! :)

Introduced to me by my officemate, Dannah, I borrowed it the moment she said it was humorous. I'm not into sad, sorrowful and heavy novels that make you wanna cry.

It's a blog-like book that talks about a girl's journey through puberty and everything that comes along with it. A story of a typical 16-year old girl, who faces the challenge between love, friendship and parents.

Here are some of my favorite lines:
"I smiled brilliantly, trying to do it without making my nose spread out over all of my face."
- Georgia hates her wide nose

"Yes I am the Queen and Georgia did a big poo this morning."
- Libby's (Georgia's little sister) dialogue while talking to Georgia's crush; Georgia on pacute mode.

"Kissing the back of your hand is no good because you can't tell which is which - which is lip and which is hand."

"I think my breasts are definitely growing. Fondling is supposed to make them bigger."

"He's got a very big mouth but then so have you."

"Someone farted in assembly this morning."

Call me mababaw or what but I did enjoy this book a LOT. I heard it has a sequel, looking forward to reading them all. :)

Btw, I've actually seen the movie first before reading the book. Need not to imagine the characters along the way. Plus, it made reading funnier. 

                                                               Georgia, the main lead.

Georgia and her friends fondling their breasts. 

Georgia and her lover.

This is a feel good book, read it for a happier and stress free life. :)

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  1. hi.. is it ok to comment on ur post? :)

  2. Hi! Sorry I just read this. Of course it's okay to post your comments! :) Thanks!
